Growing tables
Tables with galvanized structure and aluminium perimeter frame. Tailor-made according to the customer’s needs.
There are different types of tables: fixed (with or without wheels), mobile and rolling.
The bottoms of the trays can be:
– Galvanized steel mesh
– For STAL-PLAST flood irrigation.
– Cellular polycarbonate plate
– Galvanized steel sheet tray covered with irrigation blanket.

- Twofold use of the crop area.
- Combines agricultural production with solar energy uptake, which leads to greater profitability of the land surface.

Civil engineering
We manage and supervise the works required for your project’s civil engineering, opening and closure of trenches, building of irrigation huts and auxiliary buildings, warehouses, gardening centres, antechambers or disinfection rooms, drains, wells, etc.

Water reservoirs
We perform both the design and calculations to correctly size the reservoir to your needs. These include movement of earth, perforations, pipeline networks, covers and implementation.

Various materials required to manage some crops such as training clamps and ropes, substrate bags and cultivation gutters for hydroponics, meshes etc.
At Aggrotech we have all the complements you need. Just get in touch with us.
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Auxiliary systems
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